Distyle in Antis Oikos & Tetrastyle Prostyle Temple: Architectural Development and Geographical Distribution

The here presented Google Map was created to incorporate 84 buildings analyzed in the Master thesis of Miltiades Kylindreas entitled “The tetrastyle prostyle temple in relation with the distyle in antis oikos during the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic Periods”, which was submitted as partial fulfillment for his Master in Classical Archaeology at the University of Athens in 2015.

The main goal of the current undertaking is the visualization of the architectural development of the monuments spanning from the Archaic to the Hellenistic periods via the display of their geographical location throughout the Mediterranean, and along with their typological and metric data on the map. Additionally, the basic literature of the temples is included in the map.

In order to represent the different types and orders of the buildings, five plans and five elevations were designed respectively in AutoCAD by the architect Lina Gesouli.

The Dipylon team contributed in the creation of the digital map.